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Directions to the Clark Kerr Campus

Westbound Highway 24

  1. Take the Berkeley/Tunnel Road exit
  2. Continue West on Tunnel Road and it will become Ashby Avenue near the Claremont Hotel
  3. Follow Ashby Avenue west to College Avenue
  4. Turn right (north) on College Avenue and continue several blocks to Dwight Way
  5. Turn right (east) on Dwight Way
  6. At the first stoplight, turn right (south) onto Warring Street (to the left is Peidmont Avenue)
  7. Clark Kerr Campus is located on the left (east) side of the street at 2601 Warring Street
  8. Continue past the main horseshoe shaped driveway to the next entrance for parking in the Southwest Parking Lot

Eastbound Highway 24

  1. Exit at 51st Street and Telegraph Avenue
  2. Turn right and proceed east on 51st Street for two blocks to Telegraph Avenue
  3. Turn left onto Telegraph avenue to Dwight Way (approximately 1-1/2 miles)
  4. Turn right onto Dwight Way
  5. At the second stoplight, turn right onto Warring Street (to the left is Piedmont Avenue)
  6. Follow step 7 and 8 above

Northbound Highway 80

  1. Exit right onto Ashby Avenue
  2. Turn left onto Telegraph Avenue to Dwight Way
  3. Follow directions 4-6 for Eastbound Highway 24

Southbound Highway 80

  1. Exit right onto University Avenue
  2. Follow University Avenue (east) approximately 2 miles to Oxford Street

The location of the conference is:

    Clark Kerr Campus 2601
    Warring Street Berkeley,
    CA 94720
    (510)642-6290 (for emergency)

    Throughout the conference, people can go to the front desk of the administrative building at the entrance of the compound and get directions to the conference rooms. Signs for direction will also be prepared.


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